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In press

Kho, M., Iles, L., Chong, J., Moore, H., & Andrei, D. (in press). Interventions that impact aged care job demands: A systematic review of strategies and their evidence. International Journal of Stress Management. doi: 10.1037/str0000349

Handke, L., de Boeck, G., and Parker, S.K. (in press).  Exploring the Use of ICTs as a Tool for Job Crafting. Journal of Vocational Behavior.

Grote, G., Parker, S. K., & Crowston, K. (in press). Taming Artificial Intelligence: A Theory of Control-Accountability Alignment among AI Developers and Users. Academy of Management Review, (ja), amr-2023.


Parker, S.K., Tims, M,. & Sonnentag, S. (2025). Top-Down and Bottom-Up Work Design: A Multilevel Perspective on How Job Crafting and Work Characteristics Interrelate. Journal of Business Psychology.

Tenbrink, A. P., Speer, A. B., Wegmeyer, L. J., Sendra, C. C., & Rowley, S. (2025). Group differences in biographical inventories: A meta-analysis on the adverse impact potential of biodata. Journal of Applied Psychology. Advance online publication.

Hay, G., Ward, M. K., van Doorn, S., Parker, S., & Schepis, D. (2025). The role of work design in entrepreneurship: A review and meta-framework. Journal of Business Research, 189, 115156.

Lievens, F., & Dunlop, P.D. (2025), Effects of Applicants' Use of Generative AI in Personnel Selection: Towards a More Nuanced View?. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 33: e12516.


Griffin, M. A. (2024). Work performance. In Elgar Encyclopedia of Occupational Health Psychology (pp. 227-229). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Handke, L., De Boeck, G., & Parker, S. K. (2024). Exploring the use of ICTs as a tool for job crafting. Journal of Vocational Behavior.

Woods, C., Hodkiewicz, M., French, T., & Griffin, M. (2024). Assessing User Interface Design Features Using the Job Characteristics Model in Industrial Maintenance. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-15.

Bennett, L., Zoszak, L., Andrei, D. M., Runneboom, C., Chong, J., & Pitt, D. (2024). Mature Workers in Organisations: Understanding Retirement in Australia. ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research Industry Report. 2024/2.

Zoszak, L., Zellman, E., Andrei, D. M., & Parker, S. K. (2024). Leading an Age-Diverse Workforce: Evaluation of a Leadership Development Program Based on the ‘3I’ Model of Inclusion. ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research.

Boeing, A., Gunson, H., Hosszu, K., Chi, J., & Jorritsma, K. (2024). Together We Thrive: A Toolkit for Learning, Care and Career Development at DBCA. Toolkit by the Future of Work Institute, Curtin University funded by the Mental Health Commission of Western Australia.

Boeing, A., Gunson, H., Hosszu, K., Chi, J., & Jorritsma, K. (2024). Wellbeing on Station: A Toolkit for Firefighters and Station Officers. Toolkit by the Future of Work Institute, Curtin University funded by the Mental Health Commission of Western Australia.

Boeing, A., Gunson, H., Hosszu, K., Chi, J., & Jorritsma, K. (2024). Promoting Care and Careers in the WA Police Force – A Guide to Checking-in with your People. Toolkit by the Future of Work Institute, Curtin University funded by the Mental Health Commission of Western Australia.

Gunson, H., Boeing, A., Hosszu, K., Chi, J., & Jorritsma, K. (2024). Initiating Care and Career Check-ins at the WA Police Force – A Guide to Making Work, Work for You. Toolkit by the Future of Work Institute, Curtin University funded by the Mental Health Commission of Western Australia.

Hosszu, K., Gunson, H., Boeing, A., Chi, J., & Jorritsma, K. (2024). Partnering for Success: A Guide to Enhancing Ambulance Crew Mentorship. Toolkit by the Future of Work Institute, Curtin University funded by the Mental Health Commission of Western Australia.

Hosszu, K., Gunson, H., Boeing, A., Chi, J., & Jorritsma, K. (2024). From Incidents to Insights: A Guide to Leveraging Frontline Perspectives in Operational Debriefs. Toolkit by the Future of Work Institute, Curtin University funded by the Mental Health Commission of Western Australia.

Bouckaert, Y., Vofrei, L., Jonczyk, N., Mertens, A., Soliman, M., Venz, L., & Loschelder, D. D. (2024). Is the joke on you? The impact of sexist humour and gender dynamics on interpersonal work outcomes. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 1–16.

Loh, V., Hamilton, M., Baird, M., Zettna, N., Constantin, A., Andrei, D. M., Petery, G. A., & Parker, S. K. (2024). Money matters, but what else? Mature worker motives and the importance of gender, age, socioeconomic status and age-inclusive HR practices. Australian Journal of Management, 49(4), 790-811.

Mertens, A., Kho, M., Parker, S. K., Baynam, G., Baker, S., & Stevens, K. (2024). The cross-sector model of care: A work design perspective. Rare, 2, 100049.

Tatasciore, M., Strickland, L., & Loft, S. (2024). Transparency improves the accuracy of automation use, but automation confidence information does not. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 9(1), 67.


Wojtczuk-Turek, A., Turek, D., Edgar, F., Klein, H. J., Bosak, J., Okay-Somerville, B., Fu, N., Raeder, S., Jurek, P., Lupina-Wegener, A., Dvorakova, Z., Gutiérrez-Crocco, F., Kekkonen, A., Leiva, P. I., Mynaříková, L., Sánchez-Apellániz, M., Shafique, I., Al-Romeedy, B. S., Wee, S., Dunlop, P., … Karamustafa-Köse, G. (2024). Sustainable human resource management and job satisfaction—Unlocking the power of organizational identification: A cross-cultural perspective from 54 countries. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 31(5), 4910–4932.

Kanse, L., Stephenson, E. K., Klonek, F. E., & Wee, S. (2024). Interdependence in Virtual Teams—A Double-Edged Sword?. Small Group Research, 55(5), 729–762.

Goštautaitė, B., Liubertė. I, Parker. S. K., & I. Bučiūnienė. (2024). Can You Outsmart the Robot? An Unexpected Path to Work Meaningfulness. Academy of Management Discoveries, 10(3), 416-437.

Zhang, F., Tims, M., & Parker, S. K. (2024). Combinations of approach and avoidance crafting matter: Linking job crafting profiles with proactive personality, autonomy, work engagement, and performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior.

Kamarova, S., Gagné, M., Holtrop, D., & Dunlop, P. D. (2024). Integrating behavior and organizational change literatures to uncover crucial psychological mechanisms underlying the adoption and maintenance of organizational change. Journal of Organizational Behavior.

Vrankovich, S., Burns, S., Yam, C. M., Parker, S. K., & Hendriks, J. (2024). Sexual harassment and sexual assault in the Western Australian mining industry: a qualitative examination of the perceptions of key stakeholders. Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 1432990.

Fruhen, L. S., & Parker, S. K. (2024). Home and away: personal autonomy limitation in the liminal work context of fly-in-fly-out camps and psychological distress. Community, Work & Family, 1-22.

Zettna, N., Yam, C., Kunzelmann, A., Forner, V. W., Dey, S., Askovic, M., Johnson, A., Nguyen, H., Jolly, A., & Parker, S. K. (2024). Crystal clear: How leaders and coworkers together shape role clarity and well-being for employees in social care. Human Resource Management, 1–16.

Chong, J. X. Y., Gagné, M., Dunlop, P. D., & Wee, S. (2024). Facilitating newcomer motivation through internalization: A self-determination theory perspective on newcomer socialization. Human Resource Management Review, 101041.

Michailovs, S., Pond, S., Irons, J., Salmon, P. M., Visser, T. A., Schmitt, M., Strickland, L., Huf, S., & Loft, S. (2024). The effect of information integration on team communication in a simulated submarine control room task. Ergonomics, 1-25.

Moore, H. I.Dunlop, P. D.Holtrop, D., & Gagné, M. (2024). I can't get no (need) satisfaction: Using a relatedness need-supportive intervention to improve applicant reactions to asynchronous video interviews. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 1–14.

Griffiths, G., Bowden, V., Wee., S.,  Strickland, L., & Loft, S. (2024). Operator selection for human-automation teaming: The role of manual task skill in predicting automation failure intervention. Applied Ergonomics, 118, 104288.

Marcus, J., Scheibe, S., Kooij, D., Truxillo, D. M., Zaniboni, S., Abuladze, L., Al Mursi, N., Bamberger, P. A., Balytska, M., Betanzos, N. D., Perek-Białas, J., Boehm, S. A., Burmeister, A., Cabib, I., Caon, M., Deller, J., Derous, E., Drury, L., Eppler-Hattab, R., Fasbender, U., Fülöp, M., Furunes, T., Gerpott, F. H., Goštautaitė, B., Halvorsen, C. J., Hernaus, T., Inceoglu, I., Iskifoglu, M., Ivanoska, K. S., Kanfer, R., Kenig, N., Kiran, S., Klimek, S., Kunze, F., Mertan, E. B., Varianou-Mikellidou, C., Moasa, H., Ng, Y. L., Parker, S. K., . . .  & Žnidaršič, J. (2024). LeverAge: A European network to leverage the multi-age workforce. Work, Aging and Retirement.

Andrei, D. M., Kho, M., Chong, J., Parker, S. K., Iles, L., Moore, H., & Karin, E. (2024). Designing SMARTer work to reduce psychosocial risks: Evaluating the effectiveness of a participatory work-redesign intervention in aged care [White paper]. Future of Work Institute and Safe Work Australia.

Gagné, M., & Hewett, R. (2024). Assumptions about Human Motivation have Consequences for Practice. Journal of Management Studies.​​


Hickman, L., Dunlop, P. D., & Wolf, J. L. (2024). The performance of large language models on quantitative and verbal ability tests: Initial evidence and implications for unproctored high‐stakes testing. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 32, 499–511.

Donovan, R. J., Jalleh, G., & Drane, C. (2024). Impact of source credibility on behavioural responses to a mental health promotion social marketing campaign. Journal of Social Marketing, 14(2), 250-263.

Donovan, R. J., Drane, C. F., Santini, Z. I., & Jalleh, G. (2024). Impact on help-seeking behaviours of a campaign perceived to decrease stigma and increase openness around mental health. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 35(4), 1378–1385.

Gelaw, A., Parker, S., Johnson, A., Nguyen, H., Jolly, A., Forner, V., ... & Collie, A. (2024). Determinants of psychological injury among health and social care workers in community settings: A systematic review. Work 78(1), 3-27.

He, Y., Sheng, Z., Griffin, M., & Yao, X. (2024). A multilevel model linking altruistic motivation to workplace safety: The role of servant leadership. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45(4), 497-517.

Iles, L. J., Askovic, M., Deng, C., Trezise, M., Graf, E., Zettna, N., Jolly, A., Kunzelmann, A., Thomas, C., Carr, M., Yam, C., Johnson, A., Nguyen, H., Parker, S. Changing work design to improve mental health in the Healthcare and Social Assistance industry. A report by the Centre for Transformative Work Design at Curtin University and the University of Sydney Business School, funded by Insurance and Care (icare) NSW as part of the Design for Care research project. April 2024.

Koutsoumpis, A., Ghassemi, S., Oostrom, J. K., Holtrop, D., Van Breda, W., Zhang, T., & de Vries, R. E. (2024). Beyond traditional interviews: Psychometric analysis of asynchronous video interviews for personality and interview performance evaluation using machine learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 154, 108128.

Kho, M., Gucciardi, D. F., Ryan, M., Hazel, G., & Crane, M. F. (2024). Implementation of a Supervisor-Led Resilience Training Extension in the Royal Military College. Journal of Military Social Work and Behavioral Health Services, 12(2), 119–129.

Parker, S. K., & Knight, C. (2024). The SMART model of work design: A higher order structure to help see the wood from the trees. Human Resource Management, 63(2), 265-291.

Yeo, G. B., Celestine, N. A., Parker, S. K., To, M. L., & Hirst, G. (2024). A neurocognitive framework of attention and creativity: Maximizing Usefulness and novelty via directed and undirected pathways. Journal of Organizational Behavior 45(6), 912–934.

Sinclair, C., Joffe, T., Ginnivan, N., Parker, S. K., & Anstey, K. J. (2024). A scoping review of workplace interventions to promote positive attitudes toward older workers and reduce age-based discrimination. Work, Aging and Retirement, 10(2), 61–76.

Luksyte, A., Carpini, J. A., Parker, S. K., & Griffin, M. A. (2024). Conscientiousness and perceived ethicality: Examining why hierarchy of authority diminishes this positive relationship. Human Resource Management 63(4), 601–617.

Holtrop, D., Soo, C., Gagné, M., Kragt, D., Dunlop, P. D., & Luksyte, A. (2024). Exploring Volunteer Turnover Reasons, Intentions, and Behavior. Group & Organization Management.

Zhang, T., Koutsoumpis, A., Oostrom, J. K., Holtrop, D., Ghassemi, S., & Vries, R. E. d. (2024). Can Large Language Models Assess Personality from Asynchronous Video Interviews? A Comprehensive Evaluation of Validity, Reliability, Fairness, and Rating Patterns. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 1-16.

Grenier, S., Gagné, M., & O'Neill, T. (2024). Self‐determination theory and its implications for team motivation. Applied Psychology, 73(4), 1833–1865.


Forner, V. W., Holtrop, D., Boezeman, E. J., Slemp, G. R., Kotek, M., Kragt, D., Askovic, M., & Johnson, A. (2024). Predictors of turnover amongst volunteers: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 45(3), 434-458.

Strickland, L., Farrell, S., Wilson, M. K., Hutchinson, J., & Loft, S. (2024). How do humans learn about the reliability of automation?. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications, 9(1), 8.

Oostrom, J. K., Holtrop, D., Koutsoumpis, A., van Breda, W., Ghassemi, S., & de Vries, R. E. (2024). Applicant reactions to algorithm‐versus recruiter‐based evaluations of an asynchronous video interview and a personality inventory. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 97(1), 160-189.

Kunzelmann, A., Rigotti, T., & Crane, M. F. (2024). Latent profiles of challenge, hindrance, and threat appraisals on time pressure and job complexity: Antecedents and outcomes. Australian Journal of Management

Borman, T. C., Dunlop, P. D., Gagné, M., & Neale, M. (2024). Improving Reactions to Forced-Choice Personality Measures in Simulated Job Application Contexts Through the Satisfaction of Psychological Needs. Journal of Business and Psychology, 39(1), 1-18.

Schmidt, J. A., Bourdage, J. S., Lukacik, E. R., & Dunlop, P. D. (2024). The Role of Time, Skill Emphasis, and Verifiability in Job Applicants’ Self-Reported Skill and Experience. Journal of Business and Psychology, 39(1), 67-82.

Zhou, Y., Zou, M., Wu, C. H., Parker, S. K., & Griffin, M. (2024). A study of new labor market entrants’ job satisfaction trajectories during a series of consecutive job changes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 109(2), 293–306.

Donovan, R. J., Drane, C. F., Owen, J., Murray, L., Nicholas, A., & Anwar‐McHenry, J. (2024). Impact on stakeholders of a cultural adaptation of a social and emotional well‐being intervention in an Aboriginal community. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 35(1), 134-143.

Parent‐Rocheleau, X., Parker, S. K., Bujold, A., & Gaudet, M. C. (2024). Creation of the algorithmic management questionnaire: A six‐phase scale development process. Human Resource Management, 63(1), 25-44.

Crane, M. F., Hazel, G., Kunzelmann, A., Kho, M., Gucciardi, D. F., Rigotti, T., Kalisch, R., & Karin, E. (2024). An exploratory domain analysis of deployment risks and protective features and their association to mental health, cognitive functioning and job performance in military personnel. Anxiety, Stress, & Coping, 37(1), 16-28.

​Wilson, M. K., Strickland, L., Ballard, T., & Griffin, M. A. (2024). The next generation of fatigue prediction models: evaluating current trends in biomathematical modelling. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 25(1), 21-43.

Jiang, Z., X. Hu, Z. Wang., & Griffin, M. A. (2024). Enabling workplace thriving: A multilevel model of positive affect, team cohesion, and task interdependence. Applied Psychology, 73(1), 323-350.

Strickland, L., Bowden, V., & Loft, S. (2024). Prospective memory decision control: A computational model of context effects on prospective memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 50(1), 89–108.


Sykes, C., Gagne, M. (2023). Caught between Obligation and Exclusion: The Plight of Mature Age Jobseekers in Australia’s Employment Services System. An industry report prepared by ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research.

Chapman, M., Iles, L., Fruhen, L., Anderson, M., Hendriks, J., Burns, S., and Parker, S. K. (2023). The Mental Awareness, Respect and Safety (MARS) Program Landmark Study: Insights from the Worker Survey and Interviews. A report prepared by the Centre for Transformative Work Design for the Government of Western Australia.


Hutchinson, J., Strickland, L., Farrell, S., & Loft, S. (2023). The Perception of Automation Reliability and Acceptance of Automated Advice. Human Factors, 65(8), 1596-1612.

Strickland, L., Boag, R. J., Heathcote, A., Bowden, V., & Loft, S. (2023). Automated decision aids: When are they advisors and when do they take control of human decision making?. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 29(4), 849–868.

Li, K., & Griffin, M. A. (2023). Unpacking human systems in data science innovations: Key innovator perspectives. Technovation, 128, 102869.

Yam, C., Chapman, M., Iles, L., Fruhen, L., Anderson, M., Hendriks, J., Burns, S., and Parker, S. K. (2023). The Mental Awareness, Respect and Safety (MARS) Program Landmark Study: Insights from the Worker Survey and Interviews. A report prepared by the Centre for Transformative Work Design for the Government of Western Australia.

Gagné, M., Dunlop, P. D., Forner, V. W., Holtrop, D., Kragt, D., Luksyte, A., & Soo, C. (2023). Making the volunteer journey a better one with IO psychology knowledge. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 16(4), 433-437.

​Wang, B., Liu, Y., Qian, J., & Parker, S. K. (2023). Help anyone, if helped by some: Understanding generalized reciprocity through the lens of interaction ritual chain theory. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(4), 970-992.

​Wang, B., Liu, Y., Qian, J., & Parker, S. K. (2023). How can people benefit, and who benefits most, from using socialisation‐oriented social media at work? An affordance perspective. Human Resource Management Journal, 33(4), 1035-1052.

Li, K., Griffin, M. A., Barker, T., Prickett, Z., Hodkiewicz, M. R., Kozman, J., & Chirgwin, P. (2023). Embedding data science innovations in organizations: a new workflow approach. Data-Centric Engineering, 4, e26.

Kanse, L., Stephenson, E. K., Klonek, F. E., & Wee, S. (2023). Interdependence in Virtual Teams—A Double-Edged Sword?. Small Group Research, 55(5), 729–762.

Lin, S., Li, K., & Cheung, S. (2023). Managing Disputes for a Sustainable Construction: A Perspective of Settlement Facilitating Elements in Negotiations. Buildings, 13(10), 2578.

Cham, B., Jorritsma, K., Griffin, M., & Parker, S.K. (2023). Thriving Sustainably: Navigating the Complex Landscape of Workplace Mental Health. A Thrive at Work Survey Insights Report. Curtin University.

Zhang, F. & Parker, S. K. (2023). How ChatGPT can and can't help managers design better job roles. MIT Sloan Management Review 65(1), 1-5.


James, A., Dunlop, P.D., Gilbert, C., Gilbert, J., Gagné, M., Parsell, C., Cawthray, J. and Farid, H. (2023) Investigative Panel into building and retaining an effective homelessness sector workforce, AHURI Final Report No. 409, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Limited, Melbourne,, doi: 10.18408/ahuri8128901

​Parkes, K. R., Fruhen, L. S., & Parker, S. K. (2023). Direct, indirect, and moderated paths linking work schedules to psychological distress among fly-in, fly-out workers. Work & Stress, 37(4), 466-486.

​Cao, N., Cheung, S. O., & Li, K. (2023). Perceptive Biases in Construction Mediation: Evidence and Application of Artificial Intelligence. Buildings, 13(10), 2460.

​Hagemann, V., Watermann, L., Klonek, F., & Heinicke, C. (2023). Communication quality affects performance of astronauts and support teams through increased workload: Insights from the AMADEE-20 analog Mars mission. Acta Astronautica, 210, 162-175.

Cortina, J. M., Köhler, T., Sheng, Z., Keeler, K. R., Nielsen, B. B., Coombs, J. E., & Ketchen Jr, D. J. (2023). Restricted variance interactions in entrepreneurship research: A unique basis for context-as-moderator hypotheses. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 47(5), 1995-2016.

Klonek, F. E., Gerpott, F. H., & Parker, S. K. (2023). A conceptual replication of ambidextrous leadership theory: An experimental approach. The Leadership Quarterly, 34(4), 101473.

​Klonek, F. E., Gerpott, F. H., & Handke, L. (2023). When groups of different sizes collide: Effects of targeted verbal aggression on intragroup functioning. Group & Organization Management, 48(4), 1203-1244.

​Kamarova, S., Dunlop, P. D., & Parker, S. K. (2023). Trait continuity: Can parent‐rated infant temperament predict HEXACO personality in early adulthood?. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 64(4), 512-526.

Schmidt, J. A., Dunlop, P. D., & O'Neill, T. A. (2023). Identifying the structure of within‐team variance in ratings of team constructs. Personnel Psychology, 77(3), 1129-1157.

Jolly, A., Kunzelmann, A., Dey, S., Zettna, N., Yam, C., Forner, V., ... & Parker, S. K. (2023). How work design shapes mental health in the Healthcare and Social Assistance industry. A report by the Centre for Transformative Work Design at Curtin University and the University of Sydney Business School, funded by Insurance and Care (icare) NSW as part of the Design for Care research project.

Lebel, R. D., Yang, X., Parker, S. K., & Kamran-Morley, D. (2023). What makes you proactive can burn you out: The downside of proactive skill building motivated by financial precarity and fear. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(7), 1207–1222.


Jorritsma, K., Cham, B., Chi, J., & Chapman, M. (2023). Thrive at Work Audit Toolkit – Take stock and mature your organisation’s mental health and wellbeing practices.  Toolkit by the Future of Work Institute, Curtin University, funded by the Mental Health Commission of WA as a part of the MARS Program.

Jorritsma, K., Chi, J., Moore, V., & Boeing, A. (2023). Thrive at Work Focus Groups Toolkit – Diagnose and develop solutions to improve the work design of your people through consultation. Toolkit by the Future of Work Institute, Curtin University, funded by the Mental Health Commission of WA as a part of the MARS Program.

Jorritsma, K., Chi, J., Cham, B. & Chapman, M. (2023). Thrive at Work Survey Toolkit - Develop a strategic and integrated employee wellbeing survey. Toolkit by the Future of Work Institute, Curtin University, funded by the Mental Health Commission of WA as a part of the MARS Program.

Sykes, C. (2023). How Australia's employment services system fails jobseekers: Insights from self-determination theory. The Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 26(1), 84–113.

Drane, C.F., Yam, C., Anderson, M., Fruhen, L., Jorritsma, K., & Parker, S.K. (2023). Mental Awareness, Respect and Safety in the mining industry – The MARS Program Landmark Study: Workplace Policy and Practice Survey. A report prepared by the Centre for Transformative Work Design for the Government of Western Australia.

Chiu, C. Y. C., Wu, C. H., Bartram, A., Parker, S. K., & Lee, C. (2023). Is leader proactivity enough: Importance of leader competency in shaping team role breadth efficacy and proactive performance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 143, 103865.

Kho, M. C., Karin, E., Gucciardi, D. F., & Crane, M. F. (2023). Testing a supervisor‐led extension of self‐reflection resilience training: A controlled trial randomized by platoon at the Royal Military College. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(2), 397-428.


​Bowden, V. K., Griffiths, N., Strickland, L., & Loft, S. (2023). Detecting a single automation failure: The impact of expected (but not experienced) automation reliability. Human Factors, 65(4), 533-545.

Parker, S. K., & Boeing, A. A. (2023). Workplace innovation in the digital era: a role for SMART work design. In A Research Agenda for Workplace Innovation (pp. 91-112). Edward Elgar Publishing.

​Wang, B., & Parker, S. K. (2023). Embracing the digital workplace: a SMART work design approach to supporting virtual work. In Handbook of Virtual Work (pp. 403-424). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Klonek, F., Zhang, F., Nguyen, H., Johnson, A., Liu, Y., & Parker, S. K (2023). The role of individual goal orientations in shaping skill utilization over time: a four-year longitudinal study. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32(3), 346-359.

Stephan, U., Zbierowski, P., Pérez-Luño, A., Wach, D., Wiklund, J., Alba Cabañas, M., Barki, E., Benzari, A., Bernhard-Oettel, C., Boekhorst, J. A., Dash, A., Efendic, A., Eib, C., Hanard, P.-J., Iakovleva, T., Kawakatsu, S., Khalid, S., Leatherbee, M., Li, J., Parker, S. K., Qu, J., Rosati, F., Sahasranamam, S., Salusse, M. A. Y., Sekiguchi, T., Thomas, N., Torrès, O., Tran, M. H., Ward, M. K., Williamson, A. J., & Zahid, M. M. (2023). Act or Wait-and-See? Adversity, Agility, and Entrepreneur Wellbeing across Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 47(3), 682-723.

Fruhen, L. S., Gilbert, J., & Parker, S. K. (2023). Fly-in-fly-out work: A review of the impact of an extreme form of work-related travel on mental health. Organizational Psychology Review, 13(2), 177-204.

Carpini, J. A., Luksyte, A., Parker, S. K., & Collins, C. G. (2023). Can a familiar gender stereotype create a not‐so‐familiar benefit for women? Evidence of gendered differences in ascribed stereotypes and effects of team member adaptivity on performance evaluations. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44(4), 590-605.

Dunlop, P. D., de Vries, R. E., Jolly, A. A., & Parker, S. K. (2023). Three nightmare traits (TNT) and the similarity effect determine which personality traits we like and dislike. Journal of Research in Personality, 103, 104358.

Xia, N., Griffin, M. A., Xie, Q., & Hu, X. (2023). Antecedents of workplace safety behavior: Meta-analysis in the construction industry. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 149(4), 04023009.

Sheng, Z., & Griffin, M. A. (2023). Job insecurity, employability, and mental health in the new era: A test of plausible influence mechanisms and temporal effects. Stress and Health, 39(2), 384-403.

Donovan, R. J., Drane, C. F., & Anwar-McHenry, J. (2023). Impact on Students of the Act–Belong–Commit Mentally Healthy Schools Framework. Children, 10(3), 548.

Trépanier, S. G., Peterson, C., Gagné, M., Fernet, C., Levesque-Côté, J., & Howard, J. L. (2023). Revisiting the multidimensional work motivation scale (MWMS). European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 32(2), 157-172.

Nordgren Selar, A., Gagné, M., Hellgren, J., Falkenberg, H., & Sverke, M. (2023). Compensation profiles among private sector employees in Sweden: Differences in work-related and health-related outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 949711.

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Serban, A., Sheng, Z., He, Y., Cortina, J. M., & Yao, X. (2021). From Help to Helpful Help: A Social Network Examination of Antecedents and Outcomes of Helpfulness. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021(1), 11073.

Jorritsma, K. (2021, July 28). Flexible work in the Public Sector: Future prospects, opportunities, and policy. 2021 Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) WA Leadership Briefs. Perth, WA, Australia.

Kunzelmann, A., & Rigotti, T. (2021, July 15). How employees resilience capacity is associated with appraisal processes of job demands. Results from a latent profile analysis. 7th International Positive Psychology Association World Congress.

Parker, S. K., Ward, M. K., & Fisher, G. G. (2021). Can high-quality jobs help workers learn new tricks? A multidisciplinary review of work design for cognition. Academy of Management Annals, 15(2), 406-454.

Li, K., & Griffin, M. A. (2021, July 11). Nurturing Collaboration? A Skill Set for University-Industry Collaboration Champions. 2021 University-Industry Interaction Conference.

Holtrop, D., Hughes, A. W., Dunlop, P. D., Chan, J., & Steedman, G. (2021). Do Social Desirability Scales Measure Dishonesty? European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 37(4), 274-282.

Wilson, M. K., Ballard, T., Strickland, L., Boeing, A. A., Cham, B., Griffin, M. A., & Jorritsma, K. (2021). Understanding fatigue in a naval submarine: Applying biomathematical models and workload measurement in an intensive longitudinal design. Applied Ergonomics, 94, 103412.

Holtrop, D., Oostrom, J. K., Dunlop, P. D., & Runneboom, C. (2021). Predictors of faking behavior on personality inventories in selection: Do indicators of the ability and motivation to fake predict faking?. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 29(2), 185-202.

Reich, T. C., Hershcovis, M. S., Lyubykh, Z., Niven, K., Parker, S. K., & Stride, C. B. (2021). Observer reactions to workplace mistreatment: It’s a matter of perspective. Journal of occupational health psychology, 26(5), 374.

Zhang, F., Wang, B., Qian, J., & Parker, S. K. (2021). Job crafting towards strengths and job crafting towards interests in overqualified employees: Different outcomes and boundary effects. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(5), 587-603.

Wilson, M. (2021). Safety-critical workplaces: Applying psychology to optimise human performance. InPsych 43(2).

Knight, C., Keller, A., & Parker, S. K. (2021, May 27). Job demands, not resources, predicted psychological distress trajectories during COVID-19. European Association of Work & Organizational Psychology (EAWOP) Virtual Conference. University of Manchester, UK.


Luksyte, A., Dunlop, P. D., Holtrop, D., Gagné, M., Kragt, D., & Farid, H. M. (2021). The challenges of volunteering during the COVID-19 pandemic. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 14(1-2), 286-289.

Iles, L. J., & Parker, S. K. (2021). Age bias in the time of Coronavirus: Implications for research and practice. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 14(1-2), 66-70.

Petery, G. A., Parker, S. K., & Zoszak, L. (2021). The importance of psychological contracts for safe work during pandemics. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 14(1-2), 290-295.

Vernon, L., & Drane, C. F. (2021). Influencers: The importance of discussions with parents, teachers and friends to support vocational and university pathways. International Journal of Training Research, 18(2), 155-173.

Jorritsma, K. (2021, May 6). Invited Panellist. Australian Veterinary Association Workforce Shortages Forum. Australia.


Parker, S. K., & Jorritsma, K. (2021). Good work design for all: Multiple pathways to making a difference. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30(3), 456-468.

Woods, C., Griffin, M. A., French, T., & Hodkiewicz, M. (2021, May). Using Job Characteristics to Inform Interface Design for Industrial Maintenance Procedures. 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Yokohama, Japan.

Muhammad Farid, H., Kragt, D., Dunlop, P., Gagné, M., Luksyte, A., & Holtrop, D. (2021) State Emergency Service (SES): Volunteer views on experiences, wellbeing, and motivations – Findings from the Cultural Assessment Tool (CAT) Survey 2019-20, Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC, Melbourne.

Stephan, U., Zbierowski, P., Pérez-Luño, A., Klausen, A., Alba Cabañas, M., Barki, E., Benzari, A., Bernhard-Oettel, C., Boekhorst, J., Dash, A., Efendic, A., Eib, C., Hanard, P.-J., Holienka, M., Iakovleva, T., Kawakatsu, S., Khalid, S., Kovacicová, Z., Leatherbee, M., Li, J., Parker, S., Qu, J., Rosati, F., Sahasranamam, S., Salusse, M. A. Y., Sekiguchi, T., Thomas, N., Torres, O., Tran, M. H., Wach, D., Ward, M. K., Wiklund, J., Williamson, A. J., Zahid, M. (2021). Entrepreneurship during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A global study of entrepreneurs' challenges, resilience, and well-being. (King's Business School Impact Papers).'-challenges-resilience-and-well-being.pdf

Jorritsma, K. (2021, April 21). Preventing psychological injury and promoting wellbeing through work design. icare NSW Simplifying your Compensation Forum. Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Jorritsma, K. (2021, April 20). The Thrive at Work Initiative. LGIS Local Government Workplace Risk Forum. Perth, WA, Australia.

Schroeder, A.N., He, Y., Andel, S.A., Tedone, A.M., Britt, T.W., Pegram, R. L., Hirsh, E., Bricka, T., Wang, Y., Sheng, Z. (2021, April 16). Safety First: Examining the Hazards of Working During COVID-19. 2021 SIOP Annual Conference. New Orleans, USA.

Sheng, Z., Fox, S., Yang, L-Q., Phetmisy, C.N., King, D.D., Jackson, C., McMahon, K., Liu, X., Zheng, X. Grund, A. (2021, April 14). Uncertainty Compels Us: Uncertainty, Worker Well-Being, and Work Behaviors. 2021 SIOP Annual Conference. New Orleans, USA.

Chong, J. X., Beenen, G., Gagné, M., & Dunlop, P. D. (2021). Satisfying newcomers’ needs: The role of socialization tactics and supervisor autonomy support. Journal of Business and Psychology, 36, 315-331.

Dunlop, P. D., Bharadwaj, A. A., & Parker, S. K. (2021). Two-year stability and change among the honesty-humility, agreeableness, and conscientiousness scales of the HEXACO100 in an Australian cohort, aged 24–29 years. Personality and Individual Differences, 172, 110601.

Ballard, T., Palada, H., Griffin, M., & Neal, A. (2021). An integrated approach to testing dynamic, multilevel theory: Using computational models to connect theory, model, and data. Organizational Research Methods, 24(2), 251-284.

Gibson, C. B., Dunlop, P. D., & Raghav, S. (2021). Navigating identities in global work: Antecedents and consequences of intrapersonal identity conflict. Human Relations, 74(4), 556-586.

Cangiano, F., Parker, S. K., & Ouyang, K. (2021). Too proactive to switch off: When taking charge drains resources and impairs detachment. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 26(2), 142.

Jorritsma, K. (2021, March 9). Flexible Work Design and Managing Through Uncertainty. RB Global (EU) HR Tent Time Talk.

Parker, S. K. (2021, March 3). Thriving at work and at home: a flexible approach. The Doherty Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne. Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Wang, B., Liu, Y., Qian, J., & Parker, S. K. (2021). Achieving effective remote working during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A work design perspective. Applied psychology, 70(1), 16-59.

Hay, G. J., Parker, S. K., & Luksyte, A. (2021). Making sense of organisational change failure: An identity lens. Human relations, 74(2), 180-207.

Baird, M., Hamilton, M., Gulesserian, L., Williams, A., & Parker, S. K. (2021). An employer lens on COVID-19: adapting to change in Australian workplaces. ARC Center of Excellence in Populaton Ageing Research, University of Sydney, Sydney.

Urbach, T., Den Hartog, D. N., Fay, D., Parker, S. K., & Strauss, K. (2021). Cultural variations in whether, why, how, and at what cost people are proactive: A followership perspective. Organizational Psychology Review, 11(1), 3-34.

Ng, T. W., Hsu, D. Y., & Parker, S. K. (2021). Received respect and constructive voice: The roles of proactive motivation and perspective taking. Journal of Management, 47(2), 399-429.

Sheng, Z., Li, K., Griffin, M.A., van Vulpen, E., & Desai, A. (2021). How Digital Collaboration is shaping the future of Healthcare and Education.  Future of Work Institute, Curtin University, La Trobe University, National Industry Innovation Network (NIIN) Research White Paper.

McLennan, B., Dunlop, P., Kragt, D., Holtrop, D., Gagne, M., Luksyte, A., & Farid, H. W. (2021). Enabling sustainable emergency volunteering—annual report 2019–2020. Bushfire and Natura Hazards CRC, Melbourne.

Klonek, F., & Parker, S. K. (2021). Designing SMART teamwork: How work design can boost performance in virtual teams. Organizational Dynamics, 50(1), 100841.

Baird, M., Hamilton, M., Gulesserian, L., Williams, A., & Parker, S. (2021). An employer lens on COVID-19: adapting to change in Australian workplaces. ARC Centre of Excellence in Population Ageing Research Industry Report. February 2021.

Gagné, M., Parker, S. K., & Griffin, M. A. (2021). How does future work need to be designed for optimal engagement?. In A research agenda for employee engagement in a changing world of work (pp. 137-153). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Knight, C., & Parker, S. K. (2021). How work redesign interventions affect performance: An evidence-based model from a systematic review. Human relations, 74(1), 69-104.

Hughes, A. W., Dunlop, P. D., Holtrop, D., & Wee, S. (2021). Spotting the “ideal” personality response: Effects of item matching in forced choice measures for personnel selection. Journal of Personnel Psychology, 20(1), 17.

Bureau, J. S., Gagné, M., Morin, A. J., & Mageau, G. A. (2021). Transformational leadership and incivility: A multilevel and longitudinal test. Journal of interpersonal violence, 36(1-2), NP448-NP473.

Alessandri, G., Cortina, J. M., Sheng, Z., & Borgogni, L. (2021). Where you came from and where you are going: The role of performance trajectory in promotion decisions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(4), 599.


Xia, N., Xie, Q., Griffin, M. A., Ye, G., & Yuan, J. (2020). Antecedents of safety behavior in construction: A literature review and an integrated conceptual framework. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 148, 105834.

Wilson, M. K., Strickland, L., Farrell, S., Visser, T. A., & Loft, S. (2020). Prospective memory performance in simulated air traffic control: Robust to interruptions but impaired by retention interval. Human factors, 62(8), 1249-1264.

Gagné, M., Morin, A. J., Schabram, K., Wang, Z. N., Chemolli, E., & Briand, M. (2020). Uncovering relations between leadership perceptions and motivation under different organizational contexts: a multilevel cross-lagged analysis. Journal of Business and Psychology, 35(6), 713-732.


Howard, J. L., Chong, J. X., & Bureau, J. S. (2020). The tripartite model of intrinsic motivation in education: A 30‐year retrospective and meta‐analysis. Journal of Personality, 88(6), 1268-1285.


​​Gagné, M. (2020). Financial incentives to promote optimal work motivation: mission impossible?. The Journal of Total Rewards, 29(2), 36-4.

Güntner, A. V., Klonek, F. E., Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., & Kauffeld, S. (2020). Follower behavior renders leader behavior endogenous: The simultaneity problem, estimation challenges, and solutions. The Leadership Quarterly, 31(6), 101441.

Howard, J. L., Gagné, M., & Morin, A. J. (2020). Putting the pieces together: Reviewing the structural conceptualization of motivation within SDT. Motivation and Emotion, 44, 846-861.

Anwar-McHenry, J., Drane, C. F., Joyce, P., & Donovan, R. J. (2020). Impact on staff of the mentally healthy schools framework. Health Education, 120(5/6), 289-296.

Petery, G. A., Iles, L. J., & Parker, S. K. (2020). Putting successful aging into context. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 13(3), 377-382.

Fu, L., Wang, X., Wang, D., Griffin, M. A., & Li, P. (2020). Human and organizational factors within the public sectors for the prevention and control of epidemic. Safety Science, 131, 104929.

Curcuruto, M., Strauss, K., Axtell, C., & Griffin, M. A. (2020). Voicing for safety in the workplace: A proactive goal-regulation perspective. Safety science, 131, 104902.

Hu, X., Yeo, G., & Griffin, M. (2020). More to safety compliance than meets the eye: Differentiating deep compliance from surface compliance. Safety science, 130, 104852.

Hu, X., Casey, T., & Griffin, M. (2020). You can have your cake and eat it too: Embracing paradox of safety as source of progress in safety science. Safety Science, 130, 104824.

Petery, G. A., Wee, S., Dunlop, P. D., & Parker, S. K. (2020). Older workers and poor performance: Examining the association of age stereotypes with expected work performance quality. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 28(4), 510-521.

Hay, G. J., Klonek, F. E., Thomas, C. S., Bauskis, A., Baynam, G., & Parker, S. K. (2020). SMART work design: Accelerating the diagnosis of rare diseases in the Western Australian Undiagnosed Diseases Program. Frontiers in Pediatrics, 8, 561240.

Nordgren Selar, A., Falkenberg, H., Hellgren, J., Gagné, M., & Sverke, M. (2020). “It’s [not] all ‘bout the money”: How do performance-based pay and support of psychological needs variables relate to job performance?. Scandinavian journal of work and organizational psychology, 5(1), 1-14.

Fernet, C., Morin, A. J., Austin, S., Gagné, M., Litalien, D., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., & Forest, J. (2020). Self-determination trajectories at work: A growth mixture analysis. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 121, 103473.

Klonek, F. E., Volery, T., & Parker, S. K. (2021). Managing the paradox: Individual ambidexterity, paradoxical leadership and multitasking in entrepreneurs across firm life cycle stages. International Small Business Journal, 39(1), 40-63.

Boeing, A. A., Jorristma, K., Griffin, M. A., & Parker, S. K. (2020). Surfacing the social factors early: A sociotechnical approach to the design of a future submarine. Australian Journal of Management, 45(3), 527-545.

Collins, C., Earl, J., Parker, S., & Wood, R. (2020). Looking back and looking ahead: Applying organisational behaviour to explain the changing face of work. Australian Journal of Management, 45(3), 369-375.

Klonek, F., Will, T., Ianiro-Dahm, P., & Kauffeld, S. (2020). Opening the career counseling black box: Behavioral mechanisms of empathy and working alliance. Journal of Career Assessment, 28(3), 363-380.

Howard, J. L., Gagné, M., Van den Broeck, A., Guay, F., Chatzisarantis, N., Ntoumanis, N., & Pelletier, L. G. (2020). A review and empirical comparison of motivation scoring methods: An application to self-determination theory. Motivation and Emotion, 44, 534-548.


Farid, H. M., Kragt, D., Gagné, M., & Holtrop, D. (2020). Autonomy, Belongingness, and Competence: The ABCs of emergency volunteer retention. The Bushfire and Natural Hazards CRC.

Parker, S. K., Knight, C., & Keller, A. (2020). Remote managers are having trust issues. Harvard Business Review, 30, 6-20.

Wang, B., Liu, Y., & Parker, S. K. (2020). How does the use of information communication technology affect individuals? A work design perspective. Academy of Management Annals, 14(2), 695-725.

Wang, D., Wang, X., Griffin, M. A., & Wang, Z. (2020). Safety stressors, safety-specific trust, and safety citizenship behavior: A contingency perspective. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 142, 105572.

Hay, G. J., Klonek, F. E., & Parker, S. K. (2020). Diagnosing rare diseases: A sociotechnical approach to the design of complex work systems. Applied Ergonomics, 86, 103095.

Sijbom, R. B., & Parker, S. K. (2020). When are leaders receptive to voiced creative ideas? Joint effects of leaders’ achievement goals and personal sense of power. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 497790.

Dalal, R. S., Alaybek, B., Sheng, Z., Holland, S. J., & Tomassetti, A. J. (2020). Extending situational strength theory to account for situation-outcome mismatch. Journal of Business and Psychology, 35, 273-296.


Thøgersen-Ntoumani, C., Quested, E., Smith, B. S., Nicholas, J., McVeigh, J., Fenton, S. A. M., Stamatakis, E., Parker S. K., ... & Ntoumanis, N. (2020). Feasibility and preliminary effects of a peer-led motivationally-embellished workplace walking intervention: a pilot cluster randomized trial (the START trial). Contemporary Clinical Trials, 91, 105969.

Anglim, J., Morse, G., Dunlop, P. D., Minbashian, A., & Marty, A. (2020). Predicting trait emotional intelligence from HEXACO personality: Domains, facets, and the general factor of personality. Journal of personality, 88(2), 324-338.

Li, K., & Cheung, S. O. (2020). Alleviating bias to enhance sustainable construction dispute management. Journal of cleaner production, 249, 119311.

Cheung, S. O., Li, K., & Chow, O. Y. (2020). Reactive devaluation as a psychological impediment to construction dispute negotiation. Journal of management in engineering, 36(4), 04020025.

Klonek, F. E., Meinecke, A. L., Hay, G., & Parker, S. K. (2020). Capturing team dynamics in the wild: The communication analysis tool. Small Group Research, 51(3), 303-341.

Li, K., & Cheung, S. O. (2020). Embracing debiasing in mediator’s tactic of reality testing. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, 12(1), 04519046.

Cheung, S. O., Li, K., & Ng, Y. H. (2020). Study of endowment effect in construction project dispute resolution. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, 12(1), 04519041.

Tims, M., & Parker, S. K. (2020). How coworkers attribute, react to, and shape job crafting. Organizational Psychology Review, 10(1), 29-54.

Handke, L., Klonek, F. E., Parker, S. K., & Kauffeld, S. (2020). Interactive effects of team virtuality and work design on team functioning. Small Group Research, 51(1), 3-47.

Lee, A., Legood, A., Hughes, D., Tian, A. W., Newman, A., & Knight, C. (2020). Leadership, creativity and innovation: A meta-analytic review. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29(1), 1-35.

Fernet, C., Litalien, D., Morin, A. J., Austin, S., Gagné, M., Lavoie-Tremblay, M., & Forest, J. (2020). On the temporal stability of self-determined work motivation profiles: A latent transition analysis. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 29(1), 49-63.

Chapman, M. T., Lines, R. L., Crane, M., Ducker, K. J., Ntoumanis, N., Peeling, P., ... & Gucciardi, D. F. (2020). Team resilience: A scoping review of conceptual and empirical work. Work & Stress, 34(1), 57-81.

Parker, S. K., & Grote, G. (2022). Automation, algorithms, and beyond: Why work design matters more than ever in a digital world. Applied Psychology, 71(4), 1171-1204.

Holtrop, D., Wille, B., de Vries, R. E., & Born, M. P. (2020). The Spherical model of vocational interests and the Dutch translation of the full and short Personal Globe Inventory. Gedrag en Organisatie, 33(1), 6-43.

Wu, C. H., Wang, Y., Parker, S. K., & Griffin, M. A. (2020). Effects of chronic job insecurity on Big Five personality change. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(11), 1308.

Dunlop, P. D., Bourdage, J. S., de Vries, R. E., McNeill, I. M., Jorritsma, K., Orchard, M., ... & Choe, W. K. (2020). Liar! Liar!(when stakes are higher): Understanding how the overclaiming technique can be used to measure faking in personnel selection. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(8), 784.

Cortina, J. M., Sheng, Z., Keener, S. K., Keeler, K. R., Grubb, L. K., Schmitt, N., ... & Banks, G. C. (2020). From alpha to omega and beyond! A look at the past, present, and (possible) future of psychometric soundness in the Journal of Applied Psychology. Journal of Applied Psychology, 105(12), 1351.


Koen, J., & Parker, S. K. (2020). In the eye of the beholder: How proactive coping alters perceptions of insecurity. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 25(6), 385.

Wilson, M., Strickland, L., & Ballard, T. (2020). FIPS: an R package for biomathematical modelling of human fatigue related impairment. Journal of Open Source Software, 5, 2340-2340.


Strickland, L., Loft, S., & Heathcote, A. (2020). Investigating the effects of ongoing-task bias on prospective memory. Quarterly journal of experimental psychology, 73(9), 1495-1513.


Flatau-Harrison, H., Griffin, M. A., & Gagne, M. (2020). Trickling down: The impact of leaders on individual role clarity through safety climate strength across time. Safety science, 121, 485-495.


Andrei, D. M., Griffin, M. A., Grech, M., & Neal, A. (2020). How demands and resources impact chronic fatigue in the maritime industry. The mediating effect of acute fatigue, sleep quality and recovery. Safety science, 121, 362-372.

Tan, F. D., Whipp, P. R., Gagne, M., & Van Quaquebeke, N. (2020). Expert teacher perceptions of two-way feedback interaction. Teaching and Teacher Education, 87, 102930.


Lin, Y. S., & Strickland, L. (2020). Evidence accumulation models with R: A practical guide to hierarchical Bayesian methods. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology, 16(2), 133-153.

Parker, S. K., & Andrei, D. M. (2020). Include, individualize, and integrate: Organizational meta-strategies for mature workers. Work, Aging and Retirement, 6(1), 1-7.



Andrei, D.M., Parker, S.K., Constantin, A., Baird, M., Iles, L., Petery, G., Zoszak, L., Williams, A., & Chen, S. (2019). Maximising Potential: Findings from the Mature Workers in Organisations Survey (MWOS). (Industry Report). ARC Centre for Excellence in Population Ageing Research Industry Report 2019.

Kragt, D., & Holtrop, D. (2019). Volunteering research in Australia: A narrative review. Australian Journal of Psychology, 71(4), 342-360.

Strickland, L., Elliott, D., Wilson, M. K., Loft, S., Neal, A., & Heathcote, A. (2019). Prospective memory in the red zone: Cognitive control and capacity sharing in a complex, multi-stimulus task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 25(4), 695.

Li, K., & Cheung, S. O. (2019). Unveiling cognitive biases in construction project dispute resolution through the lenses of third-party neutrals. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 145(11), 04019070.

Klonek, F., Gerpott, F. H., Lehmann-Willenbrock, N., & Parker, S. K. (2019). Time to go wild: How to conceptualize and measure process dynamics in real teams with high-resolution. Organizational Psychology Review, 9(4), 245-275.


Kragt, D., Luksyte, A., Dunlop, P., Holtrop, D., & Gagne, M. (2019). Motivations, experiences and emotions: being an SES volunteer. Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre.

Boag, R. J., Strickland, L., Loft, S., & Heathcote, A. (2019). Strategic attention and decision control support prospective memory in a complex dual-task environment. Cognition, 191, 103974.

Palejwala, Z., Wallman, K., Ward, M. K., Yam, C., Maroni, T., Parker, S., & Wood, F. (2019). Effects of a hot ambient operating theatre on manual dexterity, psychological and physiological parameters in staff during a simulated burn surgery. PLoS One, 14(10), e0222923.

Casey, T. W., Neal, A., & Griffin, M. A. (2019). LEAD operational safety: Development and validation of a tool to measure safety control strategies. Safety science, 118, 1-14.

Parker, S. L., Bell, K., Gagné, M., Carey, K., & Hilpert, T. (2019). Collateral damage associated with performance-based pay: the role of stress appraisals. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(5), 691-707.

Gagné, M., Tian, A. W., Soo, C., Zhang, B., Ho, K. S. B., & Hosszu, K. (2019). Different motivations for knowledge sharing and hiding: The role of motivating work design. Journal of organizational behavior, 40(7), 783-799.

Fruhen, L. S., Griffin, M. A., & Andrei, D. M. (2019). What does safety commitment mean to leaders? A multi-method investigation. Journal of safety research, 68, 203-214.

Dunlop, P. D., Holtrop, D., Schmidt, J. A., & Butcher, S. B. (2019). Investigating relative and absolute methods of measuring HEXACO personality using self-and observer reports. Zeitschrift für Psychologie 227(3), 218–224.

Curcuruto, M., Conchie, S. M., & Griffin, M. A. (2019). Safety citizenship behavior (SCB) in the workplace: A stable construct? Analysis of psychometric invariance across four European countries. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 129, 190-201.

Morgan-Lowes, K. L., Clarke, P. J., Hoiles, K. J., Shu, C. Y., Watson, H. J., Dunlop, P. D., & Egan, S. J. (2019). The relationships between perfectionism, anxiety and depression across time in paediatric eating disorders. Eating behaviors, 34, 101305.


Ouyang, K., Cheng, B. H., Lam, W., & Parker, S. K. (2019). Enjoy your evening, be proactive tomorrow: How off-job experiences shape daily proactivity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(8), 1003.

Cheung, S. O., Li, K., & Levina, B. (2019). Paradox of bias and impartiality in facilitating construction dispute resolution. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, 11(3), 04519007.

Parker, S. K., Andrei, D. M., & Van den Broeck, A. (2019). Poor work design begets poor work design: Capacity and willingness antecedents of individual work design behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 104(7), 907.

Ward, M. K., & Parker, S. K. (2019). Connecting workspace, work characteristics, and outcomes through work design: Themes, models, and directions. In Organizational Behaviour and the Physical Environment (pp. 149-166). Routledge.

Knight, C., Patterson, M., & Dawson, J. (2019). Work engagement interventions can be effective: a systematic review. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(3), 348-372.

De Boeck, G., Dries, N., & Tierens, H. (2019). The experience of untapped potential: Towards a subjective temporal understanding of work meaningfulness. Journal of Management Studies, 56(3), 529-557.

Jorritsma, K., Parker, S., & Griffin, M. (2019). Thrive at Work Toolkit.  Published by the Future of Work Institute, Curtin University funded by the Mental Health Commission of WA, 2017.

Wilson, M., Boag, R. J., & Strickland, L. (2019). All models are wrong, some are useful, but are they reproducible? Commentary on Lee et al. (2019). Computational Brain & Behavior, 2, 239-241.

Heathcote, A., Lin, Y. S., Reynolds, A., Strickland, L., Gretton, M., & Matzke, D. (2019). Dynamic models of choice. Behavior research methods, 51, 961-985.

Cheung, S. O., & Li, K. (2019). Biases in construction project dispute resolution. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 26(2), 321-348.

Gibson, C. B., Dunlop, P. D., & Cordery, J. L. (2019). Managing formalization to increase global team effectiveness and meaningfulness of work in multinational organizations. Journal of International Business Studies, 50, 1021-1052.

Curcuruto, M., Parker, S. K., & Griffin, M. A. (2019). Proactivity towards workplace safety improvement: An investigation of its motivational drivers and organizational outcomes. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(2), 221-238.

Bowden, V. K., Loft, S., Wilson, M. K., Howard, J., & Visser, T. A. (2019). The long road home from distraction: Investigating the time-course of distraction recovery in driving. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 124, 23-32.

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Hu, X., Griffin, M. A., & Bertuleit, M. (2016). Modelling antecedents of safety compliance: Incorporating theory from the technological acceptance model. Safety science, 87, 292-298.

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De Vries, R. E., Wawoe, K. W., & Holtrop, D. (2016). What is engagement? Proactivity as the missing link in the HEXACO model of personality. Journal of personality, 84(2), 178-193.

Parker, S. K., & Fuller, J. (2016). Are nurses well placed as care co‐ordinators in primary care and what is needed to develop their role: a rapid review?. Health & Social Care in the Community, 24(2), 113-122.

Badham, R. J., Carter, W. R., Matula, L. J., Parker, S. K., & Nesbit, P. L. (2016). Beyond hope and fear: The effects of organizational theatre on empowerment and control. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 52(1), 124-151.

Morin, A. J., Meyer, J. P., Bélanger, É., Boudrias, J. S., Gagné, M., & Parker, P. D. (2016). Longitudinal associations between employees’ beliefs about the quality of the change management process, affective commitment to change and psychological empowerment. Human relations, 69(3), 839-867.

McNeill, I. M., Dunlop, P. D., Skinner, T. C., & Morrison, D. L. (2016). Predicting risk‐mitigating behaviors from indecisiveness and trait anxiety: Two cognitive pathways to task avoidance. Journal of Personality, 84(1), 36-45.

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McNeill, I. M., Dunlop, P. D., Skinner, T. C., & Morrison, D. L. (2016). A value-and expectancy-based approach to understanding residents’ intended response to a wildfire threat. International journal of wildland fire, 25(4), 378-389.

Griffin, M. A., & Curcuruto, M. (2016). Safety climate in organizations. Annual review of organizational psychology and organizational behavior, 3, 191-212.

Griffin, M. A., Cordery, J., & Soo, C. (2016). Dynamic safety capability: How organizations proactively change core safety systems. Organizational Psychology Review, 6(3), 248-272.

Collins, C. G., Gibson, C. B., Quigley, N. R., & Parker, S. K. (2016). Unpacking team dynamics with growth modeling: An approach to test, refine, and integrate theory. Organizational Psychology Review, 6(1), 63-91.

Parker, S. K., & Zhang, F. (2016). Designing work that works in the contemporary world: Future directions for job design research. Psychosocial factors at work in the Asia pacific: From theory to practice, 135-150.

2015 and earlier

Sprigg, C.A., Jackson, P.R., & Parker, S. K. (2000). Production team-working: The importance of interdependence for employee strain and satisfaction. Human Relations, 53(11), 1519-1542.

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The Future of Work Institute (FoWI) promotes productive and meaningful work as essential foundations of a healthy economy and society.

FoWI’s researchers focus on how people contribute to and benefit from new knowledge and practices, and their mission is to support thriving people and organisations in the digital age.

The Future of Work Institute acknowledges Whadjuk Nyungar people who remain Custodians of the lands on which we research, learn and collaborate.

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