Thrive at Work Audit: Royal Automobile Club of Western Australia (RAC)
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Project lead
Professor Karina Jorritsma

Project lead
Led by Curtin University's Future of Work Institute (FOWI), Thrive at Work is a ground-breaking workplace well-being initiative centred on designing work that helps employees, organisations and industry to thrive. The Thrive at Work Audit is a practical and simple tool developed to assist organisations, of all sizes and maturity, in evaluating their current state and their progress towards creating a thriving workplace.

The collaboration
In 2018, the Future of Work Institute commenced a collaboration with the Royal Automobile Club of Western Australia (RAC) to undertake an audit of RAC’s current mental health and well-being activities across the pillars of the Thrive at Work Framework, which include: Mitigating Illness, Preventing Harm, and Promoting Thriving. The aim of the collaboration was for the audit results to inform the development of an RAC employee mental health and well-being strategy.
As part of the audit process, RAC undertook three facilitated workshops that involved representatives across functional departments including Human Resources, Occupational Health and Safety, Organisational Development, and People and Culture. During these workshops, they consolidated their current workplace mental health and wellbeing activities and assessed the maturity of those activities using the Thrive at Work Framework.